Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pre-Challenge 5: Stressing Our Legs!

(Yea yea... SC told me to update the blog as many people are waiting for new postings ya... Hehe. Sorry ya, was busy in the office...)

Today is our 5th RUSH Challenge... And perhaps the hardest once before/after BodyAttack... :X

Today's Challenge is different in the sense that perhaps for the very first time since the team RUSH Challenge began that we actually have to RUSH to our tasks!

For our 5th Challenge (the first for this week), all RUSH teams are required to RUSH over to FF Menara Axis to attend one of two RPM classes... The first one at 630pm is the standard RPM class (easier) while the second one at 730pm is RPM CHALLENGE (which is harder with 2 extra tracks, one Spinning and one Hill track).

When we were talking about the upcoming RPM classes, many friends and regular RPM goers recommend us to join the 630pm class as RPM Challenge is indeed not for the faint hearted (and a RPM newbie), it's like joining an Advanced Step class when you're not even familiar with a step board. Oh dear!

Since the challenge starts early today, not all of us are able to make it for the 630pm class maybe except for Simon and Natalie (lucky them) while KK and Jason will join the RPM Challenge an hour later. For today, my attendance is still a question mark, although I know some people would pay me big time (oklah, maybe 'contribute' is the better word) to see me torture myself on a bike... Hahahahah. RPM Challenge somemore!

You don't get to see THAT very often! It's like a "When pigs fly" kinda moment or now we can termed it as "When Colin goes for RPM Challenge". LOL.

So see ya hardcore RPM-er's later tonight! And to my teammates, in case I can't make it, sorry ah... It's really due to my work... :(

Also need to say thanks to some ppl that have been doing lotsa 'behind' the stage works with regards to:

Our group poster (we are at Version 8 now!), thanks Osman.
Our publicity and coupon sellers, you guys know who you are!
Our supporters and doners whom have cheered us all along the way! Thanks for ya support and contribution!

P/S: I do sincerely hope that I can walk out of the spinning studio later after this... :P

Posted by: Colin
Insisted by: Simon :P

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