[This will be perhaps one of the longest entry I've ever composed for this blog, so take ya time to read it!. I've decided to split it into 2 parts for your reading convenience.]
For the final RUSH Challenge #9, if you manage to decipher the clue from the previous Pre-Challenge 9 entry, you would be able to guess that teams would need over to FF Uptown (Clue: But I ain't no downtown club) for the 420pm class of Ballroom Dancing!
For this round, we weren't sure if there was any roadblock task (or it might just be a team briefing) at the end of the class (the printed instruction were to wait at the Juice Bar after the class), but we know that the organising team, especially Alvin Looi (SGXM of IOI Mall) would NOT let us off that easily, and he would love nothing more then to torture us and to see us running up and down to solve the roadblock tasks. Emphasizing MORE on the RUNNING part! LOL!
To be honest, we did hear from some other teams that they will most probably have the endurance treadmill challenge today but for some reason I felt that for the final RUSH Challenge, teams will be subjected to another rat race... But this time something longer, with more clues and pitstops to visit and a whole lot more of running! And being die-hard Amazing Race fans, Simon also guessed that there would be a high-probability that they would also quiz us on the previous 8 RUSH Challenges that we have successfully completed... And soon we will find out if we were right or not :P
The RATTs with Cheng, the GXC of FF Uptown
So before we entered the gym, the three of us - myself, Simon and Jason (KK is flying back from Bangkok that evening while Nat is still in Sabah) went for a spin in Jason's car around the Uptown shoplots and office center while identifying potential 'checkpoints' for a possible Uptown treasure hunt - and we did identify certain establishments like The Ship restaurant, Starbucks (there's two Starbucks in Uptown... Did you know that?), the famous Treetop restaurant, Oldtown Kopitiam, Baskin Robbins as well as other "unique" shops and establishments. We did a little homework so that in case if we did indeed have another Rat Race, we would at least know where to go :P
We also invited several of our friends to join us today for the last challenge - Alvin and Kelvin (the twins) and Patrick popped by after finishing his work. Thanks guys for coming to support us! :)
Teams started arriving one by one, we wore white today, same with our friends from Team Disney from Leisure Mall. IOI Raiders came in pink while Maxis's Yee-Ha came in purple. Before entering the class, teams were required to surrender their team's Miracle Passport aka tracking cards to Alvin for score tabulation, together with their verified coupon booklet sales for point awards.
And let the salsa begin!
Soon after, the ballroom dancing got underway, and Janice thought us salsa, much to Simon's delight. We had fun in the class, having have to pair up with with the opposite sex while doing the dance, so it was quite cool! From the looks on most of the people, I can tell that most of them have not tried ballroom dancing... Including me! So yeah I always fumble during the guy's turn... Hahahah.
Everyone having fun in the salsa class (Vid courtesy of Alvin Looi)
[And now RUSH Challenge 9..... ]
Halfway during the class, as I turned outside the studio, I could see Alvin waving to Janice from outside the studio, and then Janice made a special announcement - All RUSH teams are to find Alvin outside the class. Everyone scrambled out of the class and ran to the Juice Bar where Alvin was waiting. He got teams to line in 7 lines, each line for a team as he carried two different sheets of paper.
Soon he told us that we have to answer the questions in the paper, before submitting it and receiving our next routemarker. When we flipped the paper over, what we saw really shocked us - it was an empty table with columns for each of the 9 RUSH Challenges (including Uptown's) and teams have to fill the details of each challenge, starting with the Date, Day, Time, Venue, Class and Instructor's name. There were 6 columns for each of the 9 challenges, and each of the correct answer will be awarded with 10 points (max 540 points for this challenge).

Colin, Simon and Jason trying to recall the past challenges.
After completing the table and submitting it, we then received our next routemarker clue.
Routemarker 1: "At least it won't go up again this year"
At first we couldn't solve it but then I believed Simon cracked it. Our PM made an annoucement this week that fuel prices will not increase again this year and so that was it - our first routemarker was to find the BHP Petrol Station at Uptown.
The three of us ran down and made our way to the petrol station. We were the third team to arrive, behind the IOI team and Leisure Mall team. Jason and Winnie (GXC of Leisure Mall) were waiting for us at the petrol station and I almost got shocked when Winnie jokingly said that we have to wash a car to get the next clue (did I hear it right? Hehe) and in sheer coincidence there was 7 cars in a row parked at the petrol station. LOL.
The RATTs at the first checkpoint - BHP Petrol Station
Before giving their clue, Jason and Winnie asked teams to demostrate some moves of the programs that they teach, so since the IOI team were first they did the Vive 'locomotion' and team Disney of Leisure Mall did a Combat roundhouse kick setup. Hehehe.
So what did The RATTs do? We fell in love with Tuesday's BodyVive class during our 7th Checkpoint at Maxis, so we decided to imitate one of the Vive sidestep moves... Hahaaha. And we got it quite in sync too... Hahahahaha. Jason took a pic/video of us, and then we were passed with our next routemarker clue.
Routemarker 2: "I love my Happy Meal"
The 2nd clue was pretty easy, and we all know that we have to run all the way back to the McDonalds below the gym. Teams were running as fast as they could, and we were met with Teoh (GXM of Axis) at the counter. He then proceeded to pass us our next routemarker clue.
Routemarker 3: "The place to shop for single and married women"
The third routemarker clue proved to be a little confusing for us. But then we saw teams running to the shops across the road so we decide to follow them and soon we saw Sharon (GXC of Summit) and Aubrey (GXC of Consplant) in front of a shop with a black signboard - Ms and Mrs. We then were given our next clue:
Routemarker 4: "Ahh.. the coffee's great"

Tropical 5 running up the the road!
This clue was kinda confusing to me. It could mean one of the famous coffee chains in the area (Starbucks, San Francisco) or one of the many Kopitiams in Uptown (Oldtown, Killiney's etc) but Simon decided to head upwards towards San Franscisco and the three of us had to run all the way up the road to San Francisco, without knowing if it was San Francisco or Starbucks (if it was Starbucks, we would have to run the opposite way because both of these coffee outlets is located at the opposite corner of the entire row of shophouses!).
Our gamble paid off as we saw Nick (GXM of SPK) and Colin sitting down inside, and we were then passed with our 5th routemarker clue.
Routemarker 5: "24 hours - now that's convenient"
The first thing that came to my mind was KFC? A bank? 7-11? But soon we saw all the teams running downwards, so we guessed that it must be the Kiosk shop down the road. Oh boy, we had to run all the way down again.
The RATTs - Jason, Simon and Colin
Soon (ok not SO soon) we reached Kiosk and we found Eric (GXM of Bukit Tinggi) hiding inside and then we were passed with our 6th routemarker clue which involved a bit of calculation.
Routemarker 6: "If you can solve this math equation, you will find the next place to go: 4+(3+9)+(2x4)+7 = ?"
I took out my pen and started to do the math... And I ended up with 32. It didn't make sense. So Simon and Jason helped to calculate again and then Simon shouted 31! 31! Baskin Robbins! 31!
Oh god. Really ah this people. Make us run here and there like crazy. Now we have to run all the way upwards to the Baskin Robbins shop at the top of road. As we were running upwards to BR, some 3 guys were cheering us on from the Uptown foodcourt... Hahaha. That was something funny and very encouraging at the same time! Woot! Woot!
Simon reached Baskin Robbins and retrieved the next routemarker clue from Cheng (GXC of Uptown) and it writes:
Routemarker 7: "Run 3km on the treadmill. This can only be completed by 1 member. Finish the last challenge and check in with Alvin to win more points!"
I didn't manage to see the clue slip as we ran back to the gym but I was puzzled as Simon told us to run back to the gym... But we saw the other two teams ahead of us, Team Disney (LM) and IOI Raiders (IOI Mall) ran into the ADJACENT building, and not the correct building where FF Uptown is located. Oops. So the three of us ran and made our way back to the gym where only I was able to read the clue in its entirety. Surprisingly, we were the first team to reach the gym back, when we saw Alvin walking outside and then all of us went back to the gym.
Simon didn't read the clue correctly and had the impression that we were able to run by taking turns to finish the 3km's, but in truth only one team member can run and complete the task. Simon got started on his treadmill (KK was perhaps our best runner but out of the 3 of us, Simon is in best physical shape with the best stamina). Jason and me were so out of breath, so it was only natural for Simon to run (Heheheh). We prepared water and 100 Plus for him to rehydrate himself while all of us (including the twins and Patrick) took our gym towel and newspaper and started to fan the poor boy who now discovered he has to run the entire 3km's on his OWN :(

Simon's running, and we're cooling him off!
Soon the IOI Mall and Leisure Mall teams caught up, and all three started running on the treadmill. For the record, me and Jason will have to salute Simon for finishing the 3km treadmill challenge... We were all so tired by then and yet our choreo head, Simon went on with it and finished it. Teoh and Riyo also popped by to give him moral support, but in my eyes, that day, without a doubt our hero is Simon.
Great job Simon! We're so proud of you! We eventually finished the treadmill challenge third behind the IOI Mall and Leisure Mall teams (the gal who ran for LM almost passed out after that but she was ok) and then we were informed that for the last challenge, the first place winner will receive 1000 points (IOI Raiders) and the second place winner will receive 850 points (Team Disney). The RATTs checked in at third place with 700 points!
Soon one by one the rest of teams arrived to complete their last and final routemarker challenge - Cheers from Summit, Tropical 5 from Manulife, Yee-Ha from Maxis and Sunshine from Manulife. Great job guys!
The RATTs with our supporters and friends - Alvin Goh, Patrick, Alvin Looi, Teoh, Riyo and Herny
And then... All teams were to assemble in the Main Studio for THE FINAL RESULTS..... The moment that we all have been waiting for.... But for you guys, you all gotta WAIT a little longer because the entry is not ready yet... Hahahahahahah.
It will be up by Monday noon with pics and all. I promise. I know because the suspence is killing! :P But I can let you in on a little secret... The results are SHOCKING!!!
Tapi tunggggguuuuuuuuuuuu yaaa!!!!
Posted by: Colin
Pics and Vid by: Jason
Rat Race by: Colin, Simon and Jason
Final Treadmill Challenge: Simon (Our HERO!)
Moral Support from: Alvin, Kelvin, Patrick and a host of 'anonymous' supporters :P
u all semua memang hebat... way to go simone.
You changed name already?
I believe you have not met Jolin? LOL.... Hahahaha :P
Fun to read...
Congrats ratts
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