Friday, June 20, 2008

2 New Videos...

Heya peeps...

Just a short entry this morning to highlight that we have finally managed to upload 2 new videos that was meant for Challenge 9 (Part 2)'s entry

Here are the videos for your enjoyment :)

In the first video, watch Alvin as he announces the points obtained by The RATTs for coupon sales.

Hear Alvin announcing The RATTs Coupon Points counting from backwards!

In the second video, each of the Miracle RUSH teams were supposed to select a Les Mills program to join, and by virtue of being the first team to qualify for the finals, they gave us 2 programs to join! And I was hoping for BodyJam...

BodyPump first... and then...

Wait up for the Pre-Finals entry due this afternoon! Wooot!

Posted by: Colin
Vids by: Jason
Broadband for fast upload: SunWong Cafe, Jaya One :P

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