One of our earlier practice sessions :)
In the meantime, we would like to inform you, our fellow readers, friends, fans and supporters that we will be doing BODYVIVE (starts at 1030am), followed by our TEAM PERFORMANCE (at 1245pm) and BODYJAM (starts at 615pm) on Saturday.
Please come and support our team, come in your brightest orange tee that day!
And back to our entry for today, we have our last member Simon... And our very special 'guest'... Osman!
Introducing.... Simon!
Simon is one the nicest guy around that you'll ever get to know. He brings warmth, laughter and lots of jokes to our group and with his sunny and chirpy personality, he has never fails to cheer us up whenever we are down (ok, we are rarely down actually).

Simon working that Vive tube
Simon is the oldest guy in the group (hahahaha) and he brings his experience and expertise to the group as the Head of Choreo and Performance. Simon is solely in charge of all aspects relating to the final 5 mins performance, and he has the final say in the songs and choreo that we are doing... Hahaha.
For those that might not know, Simon have joined Miracle '07 last year, and his team "Danz" was 2nd runner up in the BodyJam tribe finals. He was also responsible for choreo-ing their performance last year, and now being a part of a Miracle team, I know how much hard works he puts into them.

Simon with Angeline and Susan from DANZ!
While it was arguably my mistake in selecting a rather uptempo song for our performance, nevertheless is Simon's job to make us work the choreography. And that's not too easy for me, so there were a couple of instances where we would have to modify th choreo to suit everyone's level (We all love you Simon!) but actually, it was more to suit my level coz my legs are not made for such fast moves... Hahahaha (We still love you Simon! :P)
I heard that he had a challenging time designing the choreo that we'll be doing for the final performance this Saturday, and he had burnt the midnight oil to rework the chorey (after our RUSH Challenges) to accommodate the whole group so that everyone can move nicely (Yes, you heard us! We still love you!)

Simon with Mickey Mouse :)
Simon has attended all 9 RUSH Challenges and was our knight in shining Nike when he got on the the treadmill unknowingly, and he had to complete all 3km on his own! (Alvin didn't allow to us to swap runners) so yeah, the poor boy had to run on his own with a sprained ankle (which I found out only later) that he suffered when we were running during the last RUSH Challenge (You're our HERO, we LOVE you!)
Simon too, together with me have successfully completed all of the 9 RUSH Challenges and buddy, it's been a great pleasure to be in the same team as you. Thanks for the great friendship and let's win this challenge with a bang!
Introducing.... Osman!
Who's Osman some of you must be wondering. Well, he's a very close to us and has been a fan and supporter *jump front and palm spreaded* of The RATTs since Day One! He adds that he enjoys see us smiling and trying our best at our respective roadblocks and challenges, and he's doing it for us because as he says, "That's what friends are for!"

Osman in action during the Quarterlies!
As a retired defending project manager for the last 2 Miracle Events (This guy got the experience!) Osman's bring his expertise and knowledge to our team as our unofficial 6th member. He may seem like behind the scene guy but I can assure you, he has helped our team a great deal, and with Osman around, we're never out of creative ideas! SERIOUSLY!
Have you seen all the nice Group Posters on our blog and Facebook Event Page? How about the posters at FF The Curve and FF Menara Axis?
Osman has single-handedly designed ALL 9 versions of our group poster - to the final one that we are using currently, where we all are dressed in "digital" orange. He also helps Nat with her performance practice, and lets his hand for the overall performance chorey. Besides that, Osman also helped the team with coupon sales over at FF Menara Axis, selling about almost 40 booklets himself!

Osman with BJ-licious, Winners of BJ Tribe Challenge @ Miracle '07
Osman observed that the Miracle Challenge last year wasn't too focused enough on charity and was done half-heartedly, and is proud of the fact that The RATTs managed to show how a small number of peopole could raise more funds that the whole FF community did last year. He also realises that it's been a most challenging journey for The RATTs so far but in the end, when he looks at the good cause that we all are doing - the families and kids that we are helping, it's just still too small a sacrifice.
He hopes that FF promotes the event even bigger next year, to use the media wisely and to get members involved by reeling in donation not just from within but from outside the FF community and reaching outwards to the public. That's is his aspiration for next year's event :)
In the meantime, before we end this entry, we, The RATTs would also like to thank our supporters and friends who have been there with us throughout the 9 RUSH Challenges so far and during our team practices to lend their moral support and contributed to the team...

- The twins Kelvin and Alvin, for their support for donations and our personalised "blink blink's"
- Le Roy for editing the performance music
- Patrick, Brian, Darryl, Ehsan, Mike for supporting us at the challenges and our practice sessions
- All the 'anonymous' people who have been supporting us from the day we decided to join this adventure
- And last but not least, YOU for doing your part for charity!

p/s: Look out for the special Pre-Finals entry tomorrow!
Posted by: Colin
Pics by: Jason, Natalie, Osman
Text by: Colin and Osman
Birthday Boy: Patrick
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