[Having some problems uploading the large videos... Pls be patient ya :D]
This entry picks up the moment the last entry stopped... That was when all RUSH teams were told to head over to the Main Studio where we were going to be informed about the upcoming Miracle '08 Event Finale taking place the coming Saturday, June 21st at the Piazza, The Curve.
All teams were soon seated inside the Main Studio - Team Disney from Leisure Mall, Team Cheers from Summit, Team Yee-Ha from Maxis, IOI Raiders from IOI Mall, and teams Tropical 5 and Sunshine from Manulife and of course last but not least, The RATTs from The Curve! Suddenly, the theme song from the Amazing Race was played and Herny and Teoh walked in. Herny have been tabulating the scores for all teams - incorporating scores from RUSH Challenge #1 to Challenge #9 as well as the points accummulated from the teams' overall coupon sales.

The RATTs with 2 of our friends at the last Challenge, Alvin and Patrick.
Alvin Looi started off the results session by announcing the points that all teams have accumulated since Challenge 1 to Challenge 8. The RATTs accumulated a total of 670 points from those first 8 challenges (max points was 780), and was 2nd place behind IOI Mall which scored 680 points if I was not mistaken.
After that Alvin started to announce the points each team scored during the final RUSH Challenge, RUSH Challenge #9. Am not sure how did the other teams fare, but The RATTs scored a total of 480 points (from the fill-in-the table challenge, max 540 points) and 700 points for coming in third (1st place 1000 points and 2nd place 850 points) during the last 3km treadmill challenge. That's a total of 1180 points from a maximum of 1540 points allocated for the RUSH Challenge 9. That means to date from all of the 9 RUSH Challenges, we have accumulated a total of 1850 points! That's pretty impressive considering more than half of it came from the last Challenge!

Alvin announcing the results of the RUSH Challenge
After that comes the moment that all of us have been waiting in suspence. For the past 3 weeks, teams have been trying to figure out how the other teams have been doing in terms of coupons sales, and to be honest, I was really not sure how our sales would be when compared to the other teams. The news have spread that three clubs have enjoyed brisk coupon sales which is The Curve, IOI Mall and Leisure Mall. So it really could have been anybody's game, considering that for each booklet sold, the team will earn 50 points each!
Alvin started the ball rolling, by announcing the points that each team have scored for the coupons sales. That's the biggest result announcement that all teams have been waiting to hear, and for me, I really wanted to know how well we did too! Alvin announced the points starting from from the team with the lowest points... And I believe IOI Mall was third while Leisure Mall was second place in terms of coupon sales... And then, everybody was already waiting to hear how did The RATTs do... Because they have announced 6 teams points and ours was the last one to be announced...
Hear Alvin announcing The RATTs Coupon Points counting from backwards!
I'm sure you guys have wondered how much booklets exactly did The RATTs sell? You wanna know?
"Berapa ah kita punya coupon? Berapa ah I tak tau? Tak tau ah?!
That's right peeps... You heard it right. We have sold 313 booklets altogether and earned ourselves 15650 points! And I think we tripled the amount of points received by the 2nd place team in terms of coupon sales - Team Disney from Leisure Mall. Great job peeps!
And now, Alvin was going to announce the teams that were going to qualify for the finals... And the first team that qualified for the finals is... is... The RATTs!
And how many points in total did we get, you ask?
"Berapa ah kita punya points?"
In total, The RATTs scored a combined total of 17500 points (670 points from Challenges 1-8, 1180 points from Challenge 9 and 15650 points from coupon sales!).

The RATTs with Herny and our scorecard!
Riyo with The RATTs and the green scorecard!
Teoh with The RATTs in his trademark "RUSH Pose"
In second place, was our closest friends from Leisure Mall, Team Disney with a combined 6480 points! IOI Raiders from IOI Mall were the third team to qualify for the finals with a combined score of 5310 points.
The RATTs with Team Disney from Leisure Mall!
Alvin announced that a fourth team also qualifies for the finals, and leaving three teams with their status undecided. He then took on the Seacrest persona, impersonating the "You are in the bottom three" voice before informing that all teams qualify for the finals - and that all points earned during the first 9 Challenges and coupon sales will be carried forward to the Grand Finals.
After that, Herny announced that all teams will be given free entry for only one LM program but the exception of The RATTs would since have the first team to qualify for the finals, they can join two classes for free (Oh my God! One class is ENOUGH!) and to be fair to all teams present, we have to draw our allocated classes randomly... But I really, really just wanted to do BodyJam. Just BodyJam please! And then I picked the first paper and it wrote....
"BP". It's BodyPump!!
ALAMAKKKKKK!! I was hoping that it would be an easy class perhaps like Balance or Vive. But certainly NOT Pump! :X And then I have to pick the 2nd class....
BodyPump first... and then...
Oh my God! We got BODYJAM!!!!!!! WOOOOTTT! As you can see in the video, I was so happy, and was jumping all over the place.... Hahahahaha. No offense to any of the other teams or to the other programs, but BodyJam is my FAVOURITE class. Haha.

Jason and Colin with the BP and BJ draw papers
Soon teams all got their allocated programs and we also then chose the order of our appearance... And I picked Slot No. 2 which will be sometime in the afternoon just after BodyPump launch class, so will keep you guys updated on it. Check out the blog for more details to come! (Update: We've swapped our Pump with Summit Cheer's Vive as they prefer to do Pump while we prefer to do Vive so it's a win-win situation! Woot!)
A big group pic with the other teams!
In the meantime, although there are no challenges for the week leading to the grand finals, but for our friends and fans please dont despair if you feel that the blog won't be updated. In fact, we are planning to have a series of 'surprise' entries, so keep popping by this blog of ours! First "surprise" entry should be up by Tuesday!
So see ya all at the Grand Finals this Saturday!
Posted by: Colin
Pics and Vids by: Jason
Vid ideas from: Simon
I was typing this entry and finished adding the pics and 2 of the 4 videos at 3am this morning.
it was ok. it was all worth it. u write well, enjoyed reading every entry.
yayyyy...so happi for u guys *^.^* kong xi kong xi kekeke
Really enjoy reading and watching...
Congrats again...
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