Last night's RUSH Challenge #7 at FF Menara Maxis was perhaps without a doubt, the best and the most fun we had so far since the challenge began nearly 4 weeks ago! Teams were first given cryptic clues to decipher from the last RUSH Challenge at FF Wisma SPK... Of course Mr "I'm not as tall as my two best friends" can only be Menara Maxis, which is of course not as tall as his twin neighbours, the Petronas Twin Towers.
Teams attended the 845pm class of BodyVive, and the class was being lead by the lovely couple Jason and Winnie. The thing that I like most about BodyVive is in fact nearly everything - despite it's harmless appearance, it's quite a challenging class! And it's certainly one class (besides BodyJam) that I'd recommend to anyone who wanna have fun in the class... It's low impact and slightly cardio (not as intensive as other LM programs though) but it's really FUN! You'll never have more fun than playing balls this way (that sounded so wrong again!). And the best thing is that... THE MUSIC IS FANTASTIC!
The RATTs with Jason and Winnie!
The music selection is rather catchy, and I really LOVE it! So folks, trust me, when you join it, it's like joining a karaoke exercise class... You'll sing along! The class started on time, with everyone present with their Vive equipment - the Vive ball and the Vive tube. The Vive tube looks harmless but I can assure you if its being used correctly, it IS challenging!
We were doing the class and guess who came along to watch us... It's no other than our former-SGXM of Curve now SGXM of Manulife, Riyo! :P
Riyo came to see us play with balls :P
We were half-way through the class when Winnie made an announcement... "ALL RUSH TEAMS... FIND JACKSON NOW!" but some of us were still enjoying the music and she had to repeat it a second time before all the RUSH teams got her message and everyone DASHED OUT of the studio (no wonder they asked us to stand to the left of the studio nearer to the door when the class started) to locate Jackson.
Teams scrambled all over FF Menara Maxis and couldn't find him, and even the staff at the Front of House had like slight amnesia - not knowing who Jackson is... Haha. But we all know it's intentional to throw teams off the track. Nat found him hiding in the PT room near the weight machines, and when she met him, she was being passed a slip of paper.
And the paper read:
"Green green grass of home. Drink me everyday to detoxify your body system. I'm able to boost up your body system too. Where am I???
The first thing that came to my mind was Green Tea. So I rushed the whole team over to the Member's Lounge, thinking that the next clue is hidden somewhere near the flask of green tea. We ran there, but there was no envelopes or paper to be seen, so Nat picked up a cup, and filled it with Green Tea and carefully walked while holding the cup back to Jackson's room. I'm sure Jackson was laughing so loud (in his heart) when he saw us carrying the cup of green tea to his room and then dropped us another clue: This 'item' is nowhere to be found in the club! :O
GXC of FF Menara Maxis, Jackson with The RATTs: Say RUSH!
So the first thing we did was to run downstairs to the mall, I know where we would need to go, thanks to Nina who previously bought a booster from JuiceWorks @ Suria KLCC sometime before.
The clues - green, green grass and detoxify your body rang a bell in my head. And I remember Nina bought a booster from JuiceWorks before so I knew that was the right place to go! :D We were lucky coz we anticipated that we would need to purchase something, so Simon went to the locker room to get his wallet and security pass. And that was the smart thing since we were not allowed to exit the building without the security pass. We managed to get the security officers to let us 4 exit with the same pass while other teams had to rush back and get their respective pass(es).
As we left the building, the 4 of us were sprinting towards the shopping mall in great strides, as if we were being chased by a hundred tigers! The JuiceWorks outlet is hidden behind the escalator, and when we arrived there we scanned the menu to order anything remotely resembling green tea or grass. Since there was no green-tea related item on the menu, we decided to buy a wheatgrass shot to bring back to Jackson to complete this clue.
(Video) Click here --> JuiceWorks Drama
Jason: TAK ADA STOCK?! OMG! Tak ada stock! So drama! So drama tak de benda ini!
When we wanted to order the wheatgrass shot, they informed us that they were out of stock. Jason got shocked and exclaimed, "TAK ADA STOCK?! OMG! Tak ada stock! So drama! So drama tak de benda ini!!". Haha. That was hillarious, J! In the end, the counter ladies realise that we were all RUSH participants and upon showing our Group Passport, we were then handed our next clue envelope. We thought that we needed to find another routemarker for our next clue, but inside the envelope was Jackson's name card - so we hurried back to find him in his room to pass him his namecard.
(Video) Click here --> Amazing Race! RUN! RUN! RUN!
Amazing Race! RUN! RUN! RUN!
We ran all the way again, up the escalators and back to the Maxis lift lobby, took the lift up and ran back to Jackson who was waiting in the same spot. And guess what?
(Video) Click here --> And the Result is...
And the Result is...
The RATTs were the first to complete the task and we were awarded the full 100 points! Woo hoo!! Subsequent teams received 15 points penalty for each successive finishing position, with the team from IOI Mall at 2nd place with 85 points and the team from Maxis with 70 points. We really had fun running all over the place, and yeah it felt great! :D
Upon completion of the "treasure hunt" roadblock, teams were being presented with their next clue... What is it? Well you gotta wait for Pre-Challenge 8's entry due tomorrow! :P
Posted by: Colin
Pics by: Jason
Pestered by: Alvin, wwww, Nina and quite a few more... :P
aiyo...need to wait another pre-challenge entry ah... =.=
omg! omg ! omg ! luckily you once caught me at the juicework @ the curve before. omg! omg ! omg ! this is sooooo fun!
all credits to Jackson for planning everything!
hahahaaa ! no wonder la. he oso likes to drink stuff from juicework.
LN... Once we met at KLCC and then you went to order something from the KLCC branch of JuiceWorks... Thats why I know where the outlet is! :D
so clever u all. keep up the good work guys. :D
by the way, the teams were running around causing such a commotion that the Maxis security rang up the club!
Next time, just walk will do ;)
ya. the ratts suka bikin commotion like typhoon nargis.
Shades: Walking not fun mah... Afterall its a RATT race! :P
LN: Somehow typhoon Nargis almost sounded like something else which is more err... Unhygienic... :P
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