(Sorry for the late update... After last night's Challenge I was dead tired and I woke up late for work today!!!)
Last night's RUSH Challenge #8 was also another great one, if ya manage to decipher the clue from the end of Challenge #7 correctly, you would know that we had to go to FF Menara Summit for BodyPump!
All RUSH teams gathered around Menara Summit for the class, scheduled at 845pm. Teams came in various colours, Leisure Mall and Maxis came in green, while ourselves and IOI Mall came in red.
For this round, KK is still in Bangkok for his regional conference while Nat is in KK, joining her company's retreat activity. So there was only the three of us for the challenge - Simon, Jason and myself. The great thing about our team is that we always have very keen friends who in it for the fun too - although they are not our team members but they are our greatest fans! Last night, 4 of them decided to keep us company for our Summit challenge - Le Roy, Brian and the twins Alvin and Kelvin. Thanks for the moral support guys!
The RATTs with their friends - Alvin, Kelvin, Brian and Le Roy
The class started at 845pm with Isaiah at the stage, and we took a spot towards the back of the class. Brian joined us in the class as well, Kelvin did too, but Alvin gave me his bar clips coz I didn't take mine and all of them were finished when I went to collect them. Thanks Alvin :)
Jason and I decided to go very easy on the weights today because we didn't know what was coming up during/after the Pump class later. Simon went full swing (HOI!) and some other teams loaded on their weights pretty nicely - but hmmmm... We did hear some 'rumours' from other teams that there will be a treadmill challenge this time so me and Jason decided to save our strength (and legs) just in case we needed to run on that machine... Hahaha.
The RATTs with Isaiah, our Pump honcho!
Somehow I felt that if it was indeed a treadmill challenge, it would be disadvantaging for teams that came without full members. Hence, somehow I felt that it would be another Mall Rat Race, similar to the one we had at Menara Maxis during the previous leg. So before the class, I advised my teammates to be prepared just in case they call us out in the middle of the class for another Mall Rat Race kinda challenge... Haha.
True enough, half way during the class, Isaiah told teams to look for Sharon, the GXC of Menara Summit for our clue... She was hiding herself among the huge fit-balls in the small corner of the stretching area beside the RPM and currently renovated Mini Studio, and soon we were passed with this sheet of paper with this clue:
"I can hear babies crying all day long. The aroma of fried chicken makes my little tummy growl. I am alone, sitting at a corner, hungry and cold. Mummy, please take me home."
I was delighted that my suspicion was confirmed - it was indeed another Rat Race and the best thing was that Summit is our playground! Simon and me, together with the twins, Brian and KK used to be Summit regulars, so we were very familiar with the mall... So that worked towards our advantage. Our friends - Alvin, Kelvin and Brian too abandoned their weights and joined us as we ran out of the club towards the 'destination', helping us to look for the 'clue'.
Based on the clue alone, Me and Simon could figure out where to go. "Babies crying all day long" means its a baby product shop (which is Babyland!) while the "aroma of fried chicken" meant Hartz Chicken Buffet (Edited: At first I thought that there were no KFC in Summit so I stand corrected, thanks LR and CareBear) so me and Simon dashed out of the lift as soon as the doors opened towards the area. Both were situated close to each other on the Lower Ground Floor of Summit, but at the opposite end of the mall.
(Video) Click here --> Running Down - Cloverfield Part 1
I ran into Babyland, expecting the clue to be there, but the lady boss said she knows nothing of the RUSH Challenge or the RUSH Clue. We walked inside the shop to remote catch the sound of a baby crying (just to be sure) and to see if there were anyone who's sitting or walking alone in the shop (ala the Hitz.fm fugitive) but there was no one like that.
So we walked out, and walked along the other shops asking if they know about this challenge and the RUSH clue. None of the shop assistants had a clue of what we were talking about, and were probably very puzzled to see so many people running around looking for this 'clue'.
The RATTs with Kelvin, Brian and Alvin who joined us during the Rat Race!
Before that, me and Jason popped by this cashier at Cold Storage, and also asked if she knows about this Challenge and about the RUSH Clue. She giggled and she said something like, "Apa clue? Ohhh... Ada banyak clue..." while continuing to laugh. We and the other teams got disorientated and left to search in the vicinity - behind pillars, chairs etc. I even walked into Hartz, seeing a gentleman enjoying his dinner alone and also asked him if he had the clue, and of course he said no!
One of the teams, I believe it was the Maxis team, continued to approach the Cold Storage cashier lady, knowing and suspecting that she does know about our RUSH clue but she didn't want to reveal much about it. According to Jason, she was laughing and giggling seeing us walking and looking around, and Jason sensed that she know something about it. Something was just fishy!
One of the teams continued to quiz her unrelentlessly, and she said something like, "Buka mata BESAR BESAR..." and Jason asked her at least to tell them where are they supposed to look for it... And she said, "Di sini je. Tempat Akak ni je... Tapi tak boleh masuh dalam Cashier I ni ya...". So Jason and the other team were scanning her counter and product display, when the other team (Maxis team I believe) spotted a row of FF magnetized pen sticking on the top left of the wall!
The Maxis team grabbed it, followed by another team which I believe was the IOI Mall team, and according to Jason we were the third team to grab the pen off the wall. Because me, Simon and Jason splitted when we were looking for the clue, we were not with each other... So that was a problem coz now we needed to run back to the gym and Jason couldn't see me or Simon...
But he shouted "RATTTTTTTTTTSSS!" so LOUD that all of us heard it, both of us ran out of the different shop we were in and ran the best sprint of our lifes back to the gym on the opposite end of the mall. The Disney team ran with us back to the gym... But soon realised that we had found the clue, but they didn't. Poor thing :(
(Video) Click here --> Running Back to the Checkpoint - Cloverfield Part 2
Me and Simon ran as fast as we could (later we were told by the twins that they couldn't even catch up with us - and the fact that they were puzzled how can this writer, yours truly, weighing in at over 70kg's manage to run THAT fast... Trust me guys, it's the AirMax 180 at work here :P) with Jason tagging behind. We reached the gym and rushed in the lift, Simon in the same lift as the IOI team while I and J entered the other lift which door just opened :P
We ran back to the gym, and ran to find Sharon who waiting at the Member's Lounge... Honestly, based on Jason's feedback that we were about the 3rd team to get the pen, we thought that we did very well despite our lack of 2 members to get a respectable third place among other full-attendance teams.
The RATTs with Sharon, GXC of FF Menara Summit
When we checked-in at the pitstop, we were shocked to find out - that we were the FIRST complete team to check-in! The Maxis team who have arrived first had one member missing so they couldn't check it while I think the three of us outran the IOI Mall team...
(Video) Click here --> Victory!
WOW! The RATTs won again! Another 100 points! We've scored 300 points for our last 3 roadblock challenges!!! URRRSSSHHHHH! Go RATTs Go! :P
The RATTs with our original short-listed member, Brian :)
We'd also like to include this pic in this entry, a pic of us with Brian who was originally supposed to be the 5th member of our team but was down with dengue and was out of the gym for almost 2 months. He joined us back in gym for the first time since he was hospitalized, and buddy, it's great to have you back with us!
After signing and verification of our Team Passport... We were given our next clue.... What is it? Is it repeated LM program considering we've completed all 8 programs already? Is it an endurance challenge? The dreaded treadmill challenge? Well... Jeng jeng jeng... You gotta wait for tonight's Pre-Challenge 9's entry!!!!
p/s: Today is the last day for our Coupon Sales. Pls contact me by today if you would like to purchase your coupons from us! I can be contacted via my handphone at 012-3117657. Thanks! :)
Posted by: Colin
Pics by: Jason
First hand account by: Jason
There is a KFC in Summit la!
Lol... yes yes Le Roy.. There is!!
Anyway, WEEL DONE guys!
so fun y'all. so jealous at the same time. good job on the shouts jason. i can imagine how you shout... omg ! so nervous... hahhaa !
good job good job !
haha!! I asked them whether I was really loud or not.. They all said YES!!!!! together.. Hmm.. Malunya.. Haha!! Tapi seronok gila!!! Yeah~~ we have done a great job!!
u know.. wat the other blessing was,... there was only 3 of u... it would hav been complicated if 5 of u were roaming in summit. luck was certainly on ur side. luckily it wasnt the dreaded treadmill challenge!!!! OMG... sure u all created havoc. -osman-
Hehe... Yeah lor... Ada KFC le... Near MPH there... But terlupa when I wrote this entry, so that fact has been corrected :)
Hehehe... Hope ya guys have been enjoying reading this blog as much as I've spend writing them :)
Cannot deny the fact that 3 of us really enjoyed the moments soooooooo much even though at first we really thought that we were not the 1st one to reach!!.. Okok.. We were really not the 1st team to reach there BUT we were in A TEAM always!! That's the difference!.. We never left our member behind........ hehehe! Love you all The RATTs.. =D
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